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Vendor Information

Welcome to our vendor information page. We hope you find the information you need and see the benefit to your company in supporting an event of this type in the central United States. We have grown to be one of the premier events of this type in the central US and we're planning for another banner year for our 2025 event! This event will be held at the area's premier outdoor event venue, Mulberry Mountain Lodge and Event Center from Thursday, October 16 through Saturday, October 18th, 2025. All vendors donating product or gift certificates to this event will be featured on our Vendor Spotlight page for a minimum of six months, in order by donation amount. Check out our Vendor Sponsor Levels for other benefits associated with your donation. 


On-Site Vendor/Exhibitor
  • Vendor Sponsor Levels

  • Each booth registration includes:

    • Cell service is available at the venue. We do not guarantee the quality of the service. Verizon customers seem to have the best service followed by At&T.

    • Name tags for qualified booth attendees. Each Sponsor Level provides for a limited number of booth attendees.

    • Event t-shirt, patch, and sticker for each qualified booth attendee.

    • Primitive camping is provided for each qualified booth attendee. Above ground campfire pits are required for any campfires in the vendor area.

    • One ticket to our vendor appreciation dinner on Thursday night for each approved booth attendee.

    • See the Vendor Sponsor Level document for other benefits based on sponsor level

  • Vendor Booth Space Pricing, our 2025 pricing was as follows:

    • Vendor booth space is priced at $1.20 per square foot for those who register before July, and $1.40 per square foot after June.

    • Up to 30% of the cost of your booth space can be offset by product donations to our big door prize giveaway on Saturday evening.

  • Vendors choosing to donate product for our door prize drawing will need to email a list of the products they plan to donate and the normal price of each product donated to before September 1st.

  • We have a limited number of spaces with electricity. If you want one of these spaces there is a $50 electric charge and these booths will be filled on a first come first serve basis.

  • Vendors will need to complete a Vendor Registration Form only and are not required to complete a event registration form.

  • Please let us know if you plan any type of product demonstration while at the event so we can put it on our event schedule and announce it just prior to the time of the demonstration.

  • All booth items must be contained within your booth footprint, to include all vehicles and any camping, if you choose to camp at your booth.

  • Vendor is responsible for providing all booth related equipment such as canopy, table, chairs, and banners.

  • Vendors are only required to be setup on Friday, October 17th, and Saturday, October 18th. The event will officially be open to the public beginning on Thursday, October 16th. Vendors can set up their booth as early as Wednesday, October 15th, but must have their booth setup and open no later than 9am on Friday, October 17th, 2025, and that booth will not be taken down before midnight Saturday, October 18th, 2025, unless special permission has been obtained from Natural State Overland LLC.

  • Only the approved number of booth attendees and their family are permitted in the booth at any time.

  • Only event attendees are eligible to receive a ticket for the door-prize drawing. Vendors are not eligible to win door-prize items.


Refund Policy: If you cancel your registration by September 1st we will refund your registration cost. If you cancel your registration after September 1st you are not eligible to receive a refund.

Off-Site Sponsor (no booth)

For those that would like to support the Rendezvous in the Ozarks, but are not able to have a booth on-site, or would prefer to have a designated campsite instead of a booth, we appreciate your support as well. Here are the Sponsor Levels available. Thank you for your support of this event. The button below will allow you to choose a cash sponsorship, and/or the donation of products of gift certificates in support of this event.


Venue Map
Event Map 2023.jpg
Venue (over 650 acres)

Mulberry Mountain Lodge and event center is our venue for  Rendezvous 2023! Located in Arkansas on a beautiful mountain top along highway 23, a National Scenic Byway, and surrounded by all the Ozark National Forest has to offer! Mulberry Mountain is your destination for all outdoor sports and events with:


  • 650 acres

  • 70+ electric sites with 50 amp, 30 amp, & 110v hookups

  • Large wooded primitive camping area

  • Off-road trails for every skill level

  • Borders Ozark National Forest

  • Clean restrooms with showers

  • Four large fishing ponds

  • Hiking trails

  • Convention & Reception Hall

  • Amphitheater overlooking the Ozarks

  • Disc golf course

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