Event Information
Dates: Thursday, October 13th through Saturday, October 15th 2022
Registration: Event registration opens May 1st.
Venue: Mulberry Mountain Lodge and the Ozark National Forest
NOTE: NO ATV's or Side-by-Sides are allowed at this event for any reason.
This event is strictly for highway legal vehicles and dualsport bikes. There are no exceptions.
Vendor Door-prizes
Saturday evening we will draw for the many vendor donated products and gift certificates. Last year we gave away over $33,000 of prizes, including a roof top tents, 12v fridges, awnings, and winches! Only those that choose the three day registration will receive a door-prize ticket. There will be one ticket per registered vehicle. No additional tickets will be sold at the event so everyone will have the same chance of winning.
Classes, Presentations, Trip Reports
Each day there will be various classes, presentations, and trip reports. They will cover various overland related topics. Some possibilities are Basic Winching, Recovery Gear Overview, 4WD Systems Overview, Tire Tech/Repair, Vehicle Packing, Basics of Navigation, Off Road Safety, Outdoor Photography Tips, Basic First Aid, Camp Cooking, Trail Communications, Solar Power, Tread Lightly, On-board Water, and others. What presentations are offered will depend on attendance, volunteers, and scheduling. We will publish a final schedule as we get closer to the event.
Various vendors of overland related products will have booths at this year's event. Where would we be without our vendors! We invite you to visit our Vendor Spotlight page often to keep up with the vendors that have committed to support this event.
We will have one or more food trucks available during the event for your convenience.
Trail Time Possibilities
Guided groups. We will also be pursuing a Special Event Permit from the National Forest Service that would allow us to provide limited guided trail runs on the Ozark National Forest trails. We are not allowed to do guided trail runs however unless we are successful in getting a special use permit for this year. We will have a total of about 100 spots available for those interested in a guided trail run. Those interested will need to register early to get one of these spots and will need to choose the three day registrations to be eligible. There will be a trail fee of $25 for those participating in one of the guided trail runs to cover the cost of the permit and insurance. We will update this information as soon as we know if we are issued a permit. We will refund any trail fees if a permit is not issued for some reason.
Self guided groups. Anyone is welcome to organize your own groups to explore the trails in the Ozark National Forest. We will have a trail information booth at the event for those that are interested in getting out on their own. Those looking for a group to go with will need to check-in at this booth to see if groups have open spots.
We also plan to have some scenic routes available, that don't require a 4WD vehicle, for those that just want to relax and see the beauty of the region.
The Ozarks are beautiful in the Fall and there are trails for every level of experience and vehicle build! We recommend everyone have a 4wd with tow points front and rear, and off road capable tires, also a GMRS radio, fire extinguisher, and first aid kit are recommended and we ask that everyone follow Tread Lightly principles while on the trail. Warning some trails can be tight and surface scratches are likely.
Thursday through Saturday: Kids area with yard games for kids
Friday: We will have an outdoor movie on our huge blowup screen for the kids.
Saturday: We plan to have a band for those that want to unwind with us after the door-prize drawing.
Registration Options
Three Day Registration - (Early Registration (May and June) $60, Regular Registration (July-August) $75, Late Registration (September-October) $90)
Includes three day admission to the Rendezvous for driver and passengers under 18 years old, one event patch, one event sticker, and one door prize ticket (If we do two nights of giveaways you will receive one for each night). There will be an additional charge of $10 for each passenger 18 years or older. You can also purchase event t-shirts and additional patches and stickers as part of your registration.
Single Day Registration - ($35 for driver and $5 for each passenger 18 years or older)
Includes one day admission to the Rendezvous one event patch, and one event sticker. Other items must be ordered separately, if desired, or purchased at the event. Those that aren't camping/lodging at Byrd's, will also need to purchase a day use pass as part of their registration. Note: Those who register for a single day pass are not eligible for the door-prize giveaways or the guided trail runs.
There will be a limited supply of event shirts, patches, and stickers for sale at the event however if you want to make sure you get one we would encourage you to purchase them with your registration.
Primitive Camping: If you choose to primitive camp at the event, you will be able to pay for your primitive camping fees when you register for the event. If you plan to primitive camp at the event you do not need to reserve a primitive site as there are not assigned campsites for primitive camping, there is a large tree shaded area designated for primitive camping and you just choose a spot upon arrival. You will need to pay for camping as part of your event registration.
Electric Sites: There are a total of about 70 convenient pull through sites with water and electric hook-ups (50 amp, 30 amp, & 110v hookups at each site), click HERE for a map of the campground. Currently all electric sites are reserved, but you can put your name on a waiting list when you call and you will be contacted if someone cancels. There are two components to the cost of an electric site. 1) To reserve, or put your name on the waiting list for, an electric site first you will need to call Mulberry Mountain at (866) 667-1919 and you will pay Mulberry Mountain $50 for a three night minimum stay in one of their electric sites. If you plan to stay more than 3 nights you will need to pay for the extra nights at that time as well. 2) We will collect the base nightly charge per person. There is a minimum charge of $48.90 for each electric site. This represents the primitive camping rate for 2 people for 3 nights. If you have more than 2 people over the age of 12 camping you will need to enter the additional people for the designated number of nights below.Your total payment for an electric site could be slightly more than Mulberry Mountain's standard rates but it should be no more than a few dollars difference. Once you have reserved your electric site, be sure to note your site number. You will need to enter it and pay the nightly fee when you complete this event registration form.
Campfires: Campfires are allowed in the wooded primitive camp area as well as the electric sites. as long as there are no active burn bans in the area. Please only use existing rock rings or bring an above ground fire pit for your use. Above ground fire pits must be used when camping in the large grass areas. NO DIGGING IS ALLOWED IN ANY CAMPSITE FOR ANY REASON! Please do not burn any plastic bottles or cans in your campfire.
Tread Lightly: Remember Tread Lightly isn't just for the trail. Please leave your campsite better than you find it!
Cash is King: You should plan on bringing cash to pay for your camping and event registration (if you didn't register online). Mulberry Mountain can take credit cards at their store and there is an ATM on site. There is limited cell service with Verizon having the best service followed by AT&T, please no streaming of videos.
Refund Policy: If you cancel your registration by September 1st we will refund your registration cost. If you cancel your registration after September 1st you will not receive a refund but we will send any items that may have been included in your registration (ie. t-shirt, patch, etc) to you at no additional cost. EXCEPTION: If you reserved an electric site there will be no refunds issued for electric sites after August 1st.
You can help us make this event even better! If you have suggestions or know of a potential vendor or sponsor, please go to our Contact Page and let us know. If we can't do it this year we might next year!
Thank You: With the growing popularity of overland travel we know you have choices. We hope you choose to experience all Rendezvous in the Ozarks has to offer and look forward to meeting you and hearing your story.
Event Maps